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Developing Psychic Interpretation
by Kytvezte

Before I begin, while the information I am presenting is used in therapy it in no way means this article will aid you in mental health or stability. Go see a trained therapist for that, and medical doctors for any necessary medication. Also, have fun using this and do not be too serious of what you find. You are simply being the observer, not a doctor, not a psychologist nor will reading this give you full scope of psychology nor is it intended to do such. Treat this as if you were staring at your naked self in the mirror. Admire and inspect, but do not diagnose! If you think you have a serious problem then go back to the entire point of this warning message and see a trained professional. Now, let’s get on with it!

In Psionics, the mind is the root of all results. You start with the imagination of what you like to see happen then you package that into an intent, which then you insert into your favorite ‘medium’ for delivery (ie: Energy). Then you have the sensory side where information happens to slide into your skull, then psyche, where it throws confetti around confusing you as to what is going on, (ie: Telepathy, Empathy, RV, Clairvoyance). Because one works so much with the mind, it is only natural someone will relate all this to psychology. Now, how can one use concepts in Psychology for Psionics without going into Pseudo-science attempting to explain why it happens?

Therapy. Therapy aids in people who are mentally disadvantaged from Bipolar to Autism to daily stress. The tools the Therapist may use allow for guidance of the patient into either insight or change by action, or both, but for our purpose we will use the tools to bring insight and develop the mind and then fix it. There are three different approaches I’ll touch on in therapy methods: Psychoanalysis (The modern version), Behaviorism (conditioning), and Cognitive(Very useful). While I do not know if Therapists stick to one or the other, or shake them up like a nice martini; we’ll take the martini.

How can these tools really help? I firmly believe that one’s psychic sensory is regulated through the defense mechanism of the mind. The information enters and leaks quickly into the conscious before the mechanism quickly tosses it into the unconscious in order to keep the Psyche held together. The use of therapeutic tools allows us to regulate this in order to break down that ’barrier’, as well, to develop enough insight to see how your mind may interpret the psychic information, also, understanding yourself overall.


Psychoanalysis was developed by Sigmund Freud as a system to diagnose and resolve mental disorders, unfortunately his scope of subjects did not aid very well to his view outside of sexual dysfunction, but don’t worry, it was modified in later years. The three tools we are extracting from Psychoanalysis are: Free Association and Dream Analysis and we are taking the concept of Unconscious and Defense Mechanism. Do note how I will bend this may not be what is considered true Psychology, after all, this is for observation and not serious diagnostics.

The Unconscious is supposedly the closet that people throw all the unwanted memories in, festering into their worst nightmares. Repressed urges to memories, you’ll never know what will come out. To Freud, they were all sexual and anger which resulted in disorders, but to recent thoughts, they are simply the aspects of life that are too traumatic to the psyche and are repressed deep into the unconscious in order to keep stability. However, for simplicity sake, Unconscious is the attic or closet, the conscious is the living room. Let’s try to keep it tidy.

The Defense mechanism is the security control that protects the psyche by regulating what comes and goes from the Unconscious to Conscious. Without this, the world would literally go mad. There are numerous amounts of defense mechanisms, so here is a link: http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Defense_mechanism. However, in this article, defense mechanisms may not be too useful as when you experience a mechanism, you are not aware of it simply because the job of the mechanism is to keep you from acknowledging what you experience or bending it to fit the ideal image of yourself or the world, but that is okay as that is where Free Association comes in!

Free Association is a technique where the therapist will sit behind the patient and ask a simple question or make a phrase allowing the patient to speak freely about anything that comes to their mind. The therapist does nothing, but listens and takes notes. However, unless you have someone to do this and feel comfortable with, you’ll just have to journalize your ramblings. When you do this, give yourself a question or statement, say… telepathy. You write this on the top then you write everything that comes to mind. Your knowledge, your beliefs, fears, whatever comes to mind, and keep it uncensored. Don’t worry about mistakes; just let your fingers fill the page with your thoughts. You can type this too, it doesn’t matter how you do this, as long as you can save it for later. After you write it, stick it away for a month just like you would before you revise an important novel or paper. This allows the mind to clear a bit of what you’ve written so when you re-read it, you may be able to read without too much bias. At the very least, it makes a lovely flipbook of your mental changes over the years.

The second tool is Dream Analysis which is a favorite within the New Age community. You can easily go through any New Age section and find a book on Dreams. Personally, the belief of a strict system of symbolism in dreams is utter crap, not to say there isn’t some truth, but every person’s mind is different and must be tailored to, so I say to you… Journalize your dreams, let it rest for a few days, re-read them then do some Free Association. Rinse and repeat. You’ll eventually develop your personal catalogue of potential meanings, if they aren’t apparent, giving you an understanding of how you perceive through symbolism. Remember though, a dream, sometimes, is just a dream.

The use of these tools will allow you to bring awareness to your mind so you can understand yourself better all the while allowing you to document giving you a history in order to catch any patterns that may be burdening your situation. The insight is valuable if you want to understand how you interpret data, but even to replace any negative associations that are triggering your mental defense mechanisms leading to blocking of sensory input. To do that though, you need to understand Behaviorism Therapy.


Behaviorism is the philosophy in which we are shaped by the environment around us. While behaviorist may be too extreme in terms of that there is nothing that makes the mind than programming of the environment, it is still valid and useful in terms of techniques. Essentially, in terms of this article, the only use out of this is conditioning your own self to react or behave to different associations. This is handy in reprogramming what you find undesirable. Many people have used Hypnotism or even NLP for this, which may very well be useful, but is outside of this article’s scope.

An association is when your mind compares one set of information to another set of information. Associations can build for any reason, and not all of them will be apparent at first, for example you may association a toilet with Mole rats simply because you used to read magazines that featured mole rats every time you used the toilet as a child. However, information isn’t always an object, but can also be an emotion such as fear. Fear is a powerful emotion, so powerful that a whole section of Psychology is dedicated to phobias.

Experience develops one’s associations through bonding of sensory data and emotional state, which also creates memory. To understand how associations may develop is to think of it as a page of a coloring book. The physical sensory draws an abstract outline in a black and white surface showing only the still mundane moment and the crayons carry the emotions to which you fill in the gaps with. Maybe very light, bright colors to give a joyful atmosphere to a bunny on a hill, or darker colors where the bunny happens to gain horns in the process and piercing red eyes. Within this process, you develop an interpretation of the abstraction by the combination of given information and previously understood information.

This is important to understand when it comes to interpreting data psychically as if you think bunnies are the Devil incarnate, which is alone a skewed association, and if you come across something fluffy in your scanning causing a trigger to associate fluffy to bunnies, then you’re going to think you’ve come across Satan himself, even though it was simply a stuffed toy. While this is an extreme situation, the subtle association link can lead to a mental lockdown pushing away your conscious acknowledgement of the data simply because the concept of Satan being a real entity, especially one you can sense, may be too much for your current reality, even if it was really a stuffed toy. The emotional response alone will push you from acknowledging or accepting the potential likely hood closing you off to deeper sensitivity.

To replace this kind of association is simply taking from your insight of your Psychoanalytical journalizing, and finding a potential root cause, say the bunny then find the very memory, if possible, of the point of experience that caused the association, perhaps, a horror movie dealing with flesh eating bunnies. Now, mentally, re-experience this memory then you can do two things: Rationalize the experience or Alter the experience. Rationalizing the experience is simply going “Oh, that’s silly, it’s just a movie” which, depending on the traumatic level, can be enough to replace the emotion of fear or color to almost black and white. Otherwise, you can take the experience and simply ‘erase the emotion’ by feeling it subside and go into the distance, then recolor the image with something more joyful or less frightful, like laughter. It helps to use both Rationalism and Alteration, but the mind will associate any bits of information if you fuse them properly. Now, what if you don’t have a root memory? Well, this can make it harder as the issue may still be dug deep, but you can potentially remove association to the bunny by taking an image of a bunny and rationalize why there is no reason to fear a fluffy bunny or simply doing as above, and recolor the image of a bunny into a better light. Don’t worry if the association doesn’t change right away as conditioning, especially deep rooted associations, is done from a series of patterns in one’s life.

The use for behavior therapy is endless as your mind is easily conditioned to think in different ways, however most people focus too much on phobias, and rightly so, as fear, when improper or too intense, can hold us back in life and in Psionics, but there are more things in life than fear which can hinder progress, like depression, sadness, and rage. Also, when your sensory expands, your mind will attempt to ‘fill in the blanks’ as your physical sensory is not picking it up, so for all you know, the sudden feeling as if you’re being crushed to death by a demon attack is simply the girl you have a crush on who is thinking about you when she goes to sleep. So keep in mind that what you perceive is not always what it is, you have to train yourself by developing proper associations in order to practically sense information psychically which can be helped with conditioning.

Cognitive Therapy:

Cognitive therapy introduces the concept of acknowledging flawed thought processes then introduces a more beneficial one in hopes for an attitude change. In an actual session with a professional, the therapist will listen to the individual and note any patterns of thoughts. For example, “Nobody loves me!” the Cognitive Therapist will then introduce, “But your family are supporting you through this, is that not love?” eventually promoting a different outlook and attitude for the patient. Now, how can this be done alone?

Let’s say, you have a test coming up, you tell yourself that you are horrible at tests and there is no way to pass. Eventually, you start studying less and less because you become horribly depressed and defeated, ultimately, you fail the test. Now, if you’re refuting this situation by saying, “Of course, I wouldn’t be doing well if I stop studying” or if you say, “If I behaved like that, no wonder if I would fail since I’ve already accepted defeat” you are already a step ahead. What you’ll eventually want to do is acknowledge this pattern and attitude, write this down with Free-association if you like, but this is the hard part, you’ll have to think in a different perspective than the current. Best way to do this is to inspect why you are failing your test by taking apart your thought process. First ask, why am I failing my test? If you keep up with your journaling, you’ll notice it is because you let on an early defeat and stopped studying. Eventually, you spot that you keep telling yourself “I’ll never pass” which leads you to an early defeat, so to change this, you start saying to yourself, “I can pass, I just have to study” Or you can go the opposite end of the positive nature and say “I will pass because I will study!” which then you can nail to your wall or study area to remind yourself this. Eventually, you’ll condition your perspective to this more positive thought process.

How can this be useful in Psionics? Well, this is very useful in terms of taking apart your belief structure and how you process information. Let’s say, because you believe that the only way you can strengthen your Psi abilities is to do five Sudokus, ten puzzle searches, win three games of chess, and meditate for three hours, and you have shown results, but you cannot do one less or one more because it hinders you, but you have no clue why. Yet, someone else comes along and goes, “There is no need for any of that, all you have to do is stand on your head for six hours.” and he improves, and much better than you, yet you deny him simply because it conflicts with your current view of how things work. Now, you keep your stubborn behavior and missed a potentially golden nugget. Be open to new experiences, question your current circumstances, ask how you can improve them, and, as everything else, keep learning. The more you understand, the more associations you can build which allows for a greater width of interpretation accessibility simply because you have developed a level of acceptance to newer ideas or information.


Your mind is ever evolving and picking up information to form new ways of thinking and processing. The more information you give yourself to expand on concepts in the Psychic\Psionics world allows for expanding your sensory and your mental strength. These tools are valuable in exploring, conditioning, and expanding your mind from daily life to psychic life by developing insight of your mind, understanding how to improve on them, and understanding ways to improve your mind. Through these tools is power over yourself, so there will never be an excuse when you are feeling stuck because you have the power to alter your disposition which is one of the strengths of Psionics.