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Number Meanings
by Fire_Opal

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 11/22


As the number (1) is symbolic of the essential being and ego of the individual then the strength of (1) is the the name indicates the strength of that person's awareness of his or he identity. It also identifies leadership qualities. Should the number (1) be absent from the name of an individual, then we have a clear indication of the ego playing a strong role in that person's unconscious evaluation of his or her identity. These show extreme cases of ego problems ranging from super egoist to martyr (which may be the ultimate in egoism). We can only be sure that such people lack awareness of their identities.
The number (1) also symbolizes the personal resources of the individual. When (1) is present in the name of a person it shows the resources that he or she possesses. A high frequency of the number (1) emphasizes that the individual concerned has these resources, but does not guarantee that he or she is successful or fulfilled. It does not follow automatically that these resources are used profitably, but satisfaction comes always from being able to do so.
We must take note of the way that energy flows from or to the number (1), to be able to assess the degree to which personal resources can be used. We must also see how the personal resources of the individual are integrated in the total picture of his or her energy pattern.

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Whereas the number (1) symbolizes unity, being and identity, the number (2) captures the dilemma of Hamlet: 'To be or not to be?' The number (2) symbolizes duality: the recognition that whatever we can imagine in this world there is an opposite, (for example night and day, good and bad, either/or and so on).
This concerns feelings, caring emotions and the conscious mind rather than the intellect. The conscious mind vacillates between two points: shall I or shant I? Whereas the number (1) rests in itself, the number (2) is never completely still. People with a strong element of (2) in their names are rarely completely at rest, rarely entirely satisfied. They are capable of much feeling and are sympathetic and protective. They know that little is certain in this world and do their best to protect themselves -and others - against the uncertainties of life.
The presence of the number (2) is essential in the name if the number (1) is to be activated above a low level of awareness of personal resources. It is not enough to have resources: you must feel that you have them. The number (2) helps to make people aware of their own resources. The absence of the number (2) in a name usually involves difficulties in evaluating self worth. Clearly women who lack the number (2) in their names have special emotional difficulties since it is far more easy for them to express their emotions in a conscious manner. This springs from the cultural expectation in Western societies that women should be aware of their need to express emotions. It belongs to our collective conception of womanliness. Men, on the other hand, manage for a longer period in their lives without the number (2) in their names. If men over conscious of their feelings and express them too freely, then they risk being thought of as effeminate.

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Symbolically the number (3) is the sum of (1) and (2). The mathematical formula '1 + 2 = 3' is also the harmonious result (3) of unity's effect on duality, or (1)'s effect on (2). The creative act resolves the conflict of duality. Where (1) indicates 'being,' and (2) demonstrates 'to be or not to be,' the number (3) symbolizes 'doing,' whether this is personal creativity, action, initiative or service.
There is always a sense of completion in the number (3) wherever it is found. In the major world religions we find God described in three ways. For example in Christianity there are God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost - and in Hinduism there are Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Defender and Shiva the Destroyer. Personal creativity, then, is symbolized by the number (3), and where a strong and potent number (3) is found in a name, then that person can expect to do rather more than the average individual. Where this strong number (3) is well integrated we find individuals who make their mark on many fields of activity, since the number (3) symbolizes activity itself. Where a strong number (3) had difficulty in expressing itself harmoniously we can expect to find negative aggressiveness and destructiveness. The opposite is also true: male names lacking the number (3) tend to indicate more introverted behavior in these individuals. The dynamics of action are promoted by the number (3) and inhibited by its absence. Note that the absence of the number (3) from a name does not necessarily mean that the person concerned is incapable of action - rather that the individual lacks conscious awareness of his or her actions.

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The number (4) is associated symbolically with material reality, everything related to the material universe. The square is one of the symbols of the number (4) and is the product of the individual's own inner resources (1) added to personal creativity (3). Most manufactured products are square or four-sided, (for example windows, walls, floors, books, tables). Mass production is much easier if the product has four sides.
We position ourselves in time (the four seasons and the four quarters of the moon) and space (the cardinal points of the compass) according to the number (4). Thus, the number (4) is associated with logical, concrete and practical aspects of the intellectual process.
A strong number (4) in a name indicates that the person is practical and uses intellectual energy as an integrated part of his or her energy pattern. The number (4) indicates thinking - as compared to the number (2), which indicates feeling.
The operation of this thought process depends on how the number (4) relates to the other numbers in the name. Generally we can assume that an overactive number (4) results in the intellect tyrannizing and abusing the individual. Too much takes place in the head. The heart becomes starved and the expression of feelings is always relegated into second place.
However, where the intellect of (4) cooperates with (2)'s feelings, the instincts of (4) are allowed to develop. This interplay is essential if the individual is to cope with the material world as it is. The number (4) is opposed to the theoretical and the abstract. Where you find (4) dominant you cannot expect to find too much fantasy or imagination.

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With the number (5) we reach the midpoint of the number sequence. It symbolizes what it means to be human, the sum of the individual self (1) in the material world (4).
People learn and develop expansively and flexibly through using their senses. The five senses are the core of an individual's energy pattern, found at the center of the name diagram. The pentagon pointing upward represents the forces of light, spiritual aspiration and education. The downward pointing pentagon represents the forces of darkness, witchcraft and black magic. This is the choice facing people whose names are dominated by the number (5): to lean that they are divine creations or to live as if they only lived once.
Strong number (5)s always exhibit a strong sensuality, as the good things of life are appreciated more. As the saying goes, 'Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die.' Eagerness to learn and to increase in spiritual awareness and tolerance are also shown. Sometimes both aspects are indicated simultaneously.
The number (5) knows how to use space. If (5) is missing from a name, such people are unlikely to be aware or conscious of the space that they use. These individuals may use whatever space is available and not think of the consequences.

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The personally creative (3) is raised to a higher level of consciousness in the number (6). Feelings and mind of (2) are applied to the material world (4) so that '2 + 4 = 6.' Where the number (6) is found in a name we see the intellect creating at an imaginative level, as opposed to the practical intellect symbolized by the number (4).
The number (6) is associated with love, health, beauty, harmony, peace, sympathy, chance and luck (the winning throw of dice in Western world). The six pointed start consists of the upward pointed triangle (male - fire and air) and the downward pointed triangle (female - earth and water). God created the world in six days, so the number (6) also symbolizes completion and perfection.
Where a dominant number (6) is found in a name, we find that all these facets meet in an attractive assembly of heavenly characteristics. Genius and originality of intellect and abstract though flourish at this level. There will often be an air of unworldliness surrounding people with names incorporating a dominant number (6). They are usually good-looking and charming too. It is hardly surprising that with all this fantasy, such individuals have difficulty in coping with the harsh world of reality and the numbers (4) and (7). The main problem is that the number (6) is poor at setting limits, so it is not surprising that a dominant number (6) is also identified with 'too much of a good thing.' However, a well integrated number (6) gives clairvoyance (even healing powers) and highly penetrating insight. It gives a person empathy, true understanding and love for others - even though it may only be of a human kind. This number symbolizes relationships of all kinds - those with a dominant (6) in their name risk spending too much time on their relationship to themselves. In love relationships they tend to overrate their own love and underrate the love they receive.
People with a dominant number (6) in their name have an excellent overall view of any situation, but they can be poor on detail. They are interested in how things look, in form and color, rather than how things work.

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This is the most difficult number to interpret, yet it is the most rewarding to integrate into a name pattern. As the number (6) symbolizes all that is beautiful, lovely and perfect, what can possibly follow it? It should be remembered that the number (6) is not closely related to the material world. The number (6) is highly creative and is in close contact with the highest aspects of the divine. The number (7) should be taken into account because it is the ultimate reminder of the limitations of the material world. This number is the symbol of the Greek god of time, Chronos, and reminds us that everything that has limited duration is not wholly real. It is only materially real. Everything that is made of matter has a limited life span. The number (6) does not incorporate the concept of time. It is this element of time, which must be added to the first six numbers, that makes the material world fully compete. (7) is the number that symbolizes the totality of the material world. There are seven colors of the rainbow: seven notes in the musical scale, seven days to the week, seven planets known to the ancient world, seven chakras to the body, seven deadly sins, seven virtues, and so on. It would be possible to fill many books with references to myth, legend and everyday life examples which use the number (7) as a symbol. It is a bridge to the spiritual realm.
The number (7) deals with the limitations of the material world: a sense of time, or lack of time. People with a dominant number (7) in their names are aware of what the time is: it is usually late. Those individuals without a number (7) feel they have all the time in the world. To master the energies involved in the number (7) calls for self-discipline, but the reward is great: the gleaning of wisdom.
It is not surprising that very few people are capable of managing number (7). This number in a name tempts individuals to control time, which is why such people inhibit what they want to do - there is the danger that they do not trust themselves and they also have difficulty in trusting others. Duty is a key word in their vocabulary and the number (7) encourages a fine sense of this quality. Often this sense of duty stifles their urge and need to express love. The number (7) tempts people to bind love with obligations.
In most other spheres of life a number (7) is a useful tool for getting thing finished. The number (6), for example, is good at getting things started, but not at seeing them through to completion.
The absence of the number (7) in a name is easy to interpret: the person concerned has difficulty in setting limits to anything, and organizing time poses problems.

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Whereas the number (2) stands for the conscious mind and feelings, the number (8) indicates all that is unconscious in the individual. The number (8) symbolizes matter itself: mathematically it is the cube of 2, as '2 x 2 x 2 = 8.' This is what gives the number (8) its strange and mystic nature.
There are very few people in Western societies who have a dominant number (8). They are exceptional individuals who know what Material reality is - transformational, not real for very long. Here we can see cultural differences expressing themselves through language. Oriental languages and names contain a much stronger element of number (8) symbolism than is found in those of the Western world.
In our Occidental culture we are controlled by materialistic urges. Eastern cultures, often with lower standards of living, must control their material needs and be content with fewer products.
We cannot do very much about the number (8). As it is also the number symbolizing fate itself, it lies out of our control. All we can do is become more aware of it - accept, bow down and learn from it.
Money, sex and power: these are all areas in which the dharma of number (8) operates - doing what has to be done. Only those with an urge to see themselves as more than a body will succeed in getting past this number. The number of transformation and timeless space, (8) defies most of us most of the time. All our unconscious urges are bound up here. Dreams are useful ways of getting into the number (8). Nightmares are useful too, although more uncomfortable.
If you have not learned to trust, identified in (7), the number (8) is a very uncomfortable experience. Where the number (8) dominates in a name diagram the person is being put to a test. Even when it does not appear in a name, the number (8) can dominate the unconscious mind of the individual, coaxing him or her toward transformation and the acceptance of fate.

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Number (9) symbolizes the sum total of the spiritual creativity, innate talents and abilities of the individual that are compulsive, unresolved from former lives. Compulsive thoughts, words and actions stem from the role this number plays in the energy pattern of the individual. It is extremely difficult for an atheist to come very far with this number.
Symbolically the number (9) is as remote from (1) as is possible. Whereas (1) is ego and self-love, the number (9) is anit-ego and divine love. Whereas (1) tells you who you are as you start in this life, number (9) indicates where and who you have been in a former life. The number (8) directs us how to combine these two features of our energy pattern.
The absence of a number (9) in a name diagram makes itself clearly felt, however, early in the lives of the people concerned. Such individuals feel disorientated early in life. Most usually they feel themselves to be unloved: it is curious that this should be true even in the case of children born to loving parents. However, the lack of a number (9) in a name is often accompanied by these people having good reasons for feeling lonely. They are frequently unloved and wonder what they have done to deserve this state of affairs. Only an examination of the law of karma, the law of cause and effect, can give comfort to such individuals.
Where number (9) dominates in a name the reverse is true. It displays compassion, understanding and highest ideals of selfless love. It looks forward rather than backward. A dominant (9) is a reminder that we are the sum of all our past experiences, including previous lifetimes, and that the only thing that lasts is to love and be loved in letting go of the past. Number (9) tunes us in to joy and happiness.

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Master Numbers are the only exception to rule of reducing to the single digit. The master numbers 11 and 22 are intensified versions of the single digit number they replace (2 and 4). These numbers suggest a potential for a high degree of learning and/or achievement very often in a more stressful environment. In many individuals, the master numbers operate at a much more tangible or practical level, becoming essentially the same as the single digit parallel.

11. Higher spiritual plane, intuitive, illumination, idealist, a dreamer.

22. The Master Builder, large endeavors, powerful force, leadership, spiritual understanding of material world, high ideals.

Some believe that 11 and 22 should NOT be reduced. I have no problem with reducing them as long as you remember not to take away the importance of them in the persons name. They do represent the best of 2 (11) and 4 (22).

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