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Intellectual Line
by Fire_Opal

Intellectual Line
(4) Concrete, Logical Thought
(5) Senses
(6) Abstract Thinking, Theory

This line shows to what extent the intellectual process plays a role in the life of the individual. A strong line, with many circles around these numbers, indicates a person who is aware of the intellectual process and uses this form of energy to a great extent, directly proportionate to the number of circles involved. A weak line, where there are few circles around these numbers, suggests a person who does not consciously us the intellectual process, but depends much more on instincts and intuition.
This line points to the awareness the individual has of the intellectual process. It describes the intellectual resources of a person and how that person copes with the world of ideas and thought, both specifically and generally. It shows the interaction between the individual's thought processes, applied both to the material world and to the creative process. Questions of what ahd how the person thinks - and how important the intellectual process is, in relative terms - are all determined by the strengths and weaknesses of the intellectual line.
The three focal points on this line are the numbers (4), (5) and (6). Together these three forces combine to express the individual's awareness of the importance of the intellectual process and describe the way the person thinks. Where this line dominates we find extreme intellectual types (both theoreticians and logicians). Instincts and intuition are also related to this line.

The energy has a positive focus on the logical and practical abilities of the individual. The key words here are discipline, organization, practicality and work. The negative focus is on procrastination and laziness. The individual's ability to move comfortably in the material world and express a convincing sense of material reality and eye for detail comes forward where number (4) dominates this line.

The energy has a positive focus on the role of the senses in the individual's intellectual process. Strong sense awareness is manifest where this number dominates the line. Key words include freedom, travel, versatility and generosity. The negative focus is on self indulgences, unpredictability, discontent and irresponsibility.

The energy has a positive focus on the individual's ability to think abstractly. Theoretical abilities are well developed. Imagination and insight are found here. Key words include a sense of discretion, higher education, intellectual creativity, insight, balance and geniality. The negative focus is on chaos and anarchy, self-righteousness and obstinacy.