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Dreams and Visions
by Zeus

Almost everytime a person sleeps they dream. Over the years dreams have been categorized as to when they happen and how much conscious control a person might have over them. This session will focus on only three general categories of dreaming. True dreams happen during the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stages of sleep and the dreamer has very little conscious control over what occurs during the course of the dream. Lucid dreams usually occur when a person is remembering a dream and steering it, or just as a person is exiting the REM stages of sleep. Vision dreaming is almost a misnomer since a person doesn't truly have to be sleeping for it to happen. Vision dreams may occur during daydreaming, or even when the eyes are open and the brain is working on some other task.
People dream for many reasons, only some of which science has identified. Dreams are delivered by the subconscious from either the conscious, or unconscious and are interpreted in the "sleeping" conscious portions of the brain. During sleep the brain is actively working through information that was temporarily stored, or encountered during the waking portions of life. The brain may be the most complex system known to man, but even it cannot keep up with the huge amount of information encountered on a daily basis, so in order to keep in touch with what is going on from minute to minute the brain actually stores things to work through later during the body's sleep stages. True dreaming is actually the brain storing information, working through problems, answering questions, or dealing with emotional charge that had not been dealt with during the waking cycle. True dreams reveal the most about a person's self. Through interpretation of a true dream a person is able to understand what they actually feel about a life situation, where they feel their life is going and how well it is going there. As well, a true dream reveals many hidden inner thoughts that never surface to the conscious portions of the brain, because they are repressed by waking life. The important thing to remember when a person has a true dream is that the interpretation is for them alone and not about the outside World. True dreams only occur during REM stages of sleep and are not often remembered unless a person has time during their sleep cycle to revisit the dream. When a person wakes and says that they have just had a dream this is often not correct. True dreams happen while the brain is unable to consciously interpret what is going on, and so once a person actually exits REM sleep if a dream is replayed then the person will remember it. It is the replay of the dream and not the actual dream that people wake up from, or are interrupted during since often falling back to sleep will be enough to stimulate the rest of the dream to be replayed. The actual replay of the dream can flow into Lucid dreaming.
Lucid dreaming occurs while a person is in their sleep cycle, but not in the REM stages. During the Lucid dreaming stages of sleep a person's conscious interpretations of what is occurring in the brain are processed and a person can change what is happening as they wish to. The easiest way to identify a lucid dream is to understand that what is happening is a dream. If a person is able to identify what they are seeing and what is happening as a dream then the dream has gone from a True dream to a Lucid dream. The biggest difference between Lucid dreams and True dreams is the ability to steer a Lucid dream. While True dreams depend on only the unconscious and stored information for what happens during them a Lucid dream allows a person to consciously add, change, or remove elements as they wish. Lucid dreaming is the best time to work through life problems, understand the whole self, and to truly have fun with bettering a person's own balance. The Lucid dream does not run by the same list of interpretations as a True dream does. While there are numerous books available to help in the interpretation of True dreams it is often up to the individual dreamer to interpret their Lucid dream. Since a person has conscious control over a Lucid dream the interpretation must come from them as to why they made something happen, or how they made it happen. The interpretations are sometimes complex and can begin from a True dream interpretation book, but often the individual dreamer to realize the full implications of the dream must add onto the book's interpretation. When the interpretation of the Lucid dream feels right to the dreamer then they are able to fully understand the meaning. There is sometimes a slight problem deciding whether a dream is Lucid and meant just for the individual, or a Visionary dream which includes information about the World at large; however there are a few tricks to decipher them.
Vision dreaming can occur during the non-REM portions of sleep, while daydreaming, or when fully conscious and the brain is absorbed in a task. Vision dreaming happens when the conscious portions of the brain are involved deeply enough in other tasks that they do not interfere with the free flow of psi information from the unconscious to the conscious via the subconscious. Vision dreams are purely psychic phenomenon. When the conscious portions of the brain are involved and unable to block, or overpower the psychic abilities the brain is able to interpret freely any psychic information it may receive. During these times any broadcasts, precognitive, clairsentient, etc. information that is received is immediately interpreted by the brain just like any normal conscious information might be. The biggest difference is that the information processed and seen during a Vision dream is not from within the brain, but from external, or extrasensory sources. A Vision dream can be identified by its source, an overwhelming need to relate it to another individual, or by a consciously placed beacon. A Vision dream's source is extrasensory meaning that it can be traced back as coming from the Psi Control Centre. Any energy, or information that recently passed through the PCC leaves an imprint that can be seen to identify the dream as a Visionary one. If a dreamer has a dream and then feels overwhelmingly compelled to relate the dream to another person that is involved in it then the dream was likely a Vision dream. The problem with this identifier is that some people feel the need to tell every dream and so the dream should be checked against the PCC as well, just for confirmation. By far the easiest means of identifying a Visionary dream is to consciously send the intent to tag all Vision dreams a psychic has with a recognizable symbol. The intent is sent into the PCC once and all subsequent dreams will have the symbol within them. A good rule of thumb is to set a recognizable symbol to appear in the upper right corner of each Vision dream. In this manner a Vision dream can easily be identified, but one must remember to allow the intent a week to work its way through the unconscious mind since a True dream may pick up on the information if it is not stored before the waking cycle is over. A Vision dream must be interpreted by the person that had the dream since the PCC's interpretations of information is very personalized.
The three forms of dreaming all work together to deliver more information about the outside World and the true self then any of the five senses can manage at one time. It is often very enlightening to interpret dreams just to see what one is actually feeling, or able to see for another themselves or another person.

Psi Practice (Session 18)

You will need a pen, or pencil and a piece of paper for this session. You will also need a partner.
Begin the session as you would any psi technique by creating the energy self, grounding, and intaking.
It is possible to stimulate a Vision dreaming state while awake by occupying the conscious parts of the brain that often overpower the psi voice. To do this take your pen and begin to create continuous circles on the paper. Do not focus on, or look at the paper, just make circles on it without lifting the pen. By having to continuously move the hand in a circular motion the conscious portions of the brain are occupied enough to let more of the psychic self through.
By relaxing yourself and allowing information to come to you via psychic means the information is able to quickly pass to and be interpreted by your conscious mind.
With your partner, while you are continuously drawing circles to occupy the conscious portions of your brain, use the broadcast empathy techniques to see, hear, or feel what colours your partner is thinking of. The partner that is broadcasting the colours should not be occupying their mind by drawing, only the partner that is reading the broadcast.
Since psi is a collaboration between the unconscious and conscious parts of the brain when certain pieces that mask psi information are occupied as in the practice technique, or sleep a psychic is better able to interpret and deal with psi information they receive.