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by Fire_Opal

(Achillea millefolium)
Folk Names: Seven Year's Love, Sanguinary, Old Man's Mustard, Military Herb, Old Man's Pepper, Soldier's Woundwort, Knight's Milfoil, Nosebleed, Thousand Seal, Hundred-Leaved Grass, Milleflium,
Arrow Root, Eerie, Ladies' Mantle, Knyghten, Wound Wort, Stanch Weed, Field Hops, Tansy, Gearwe, Noble Yarrow, Yarroway, Devil's Bit, Devil's Plaything, Achillea, Snake's Grass, Death Flowerer,
Stanch Griss
Gender: Cold
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Part Used: Flowers
Basic Powers: Love, Clairvoyance, Exorcism
Specific Uses: Yarrow is used in love sachets and marriage charms, as it has the power to keep a couple together happily for seven years. Worn as an amulet, it wards off negativity. The tea drunk prior to divination will enhance one's powers of preception. Held in the hand it stops all fear. It is sometimes added to exorcism incenses. The bearutiful flowers are a welcome addition to any magical altar, as the yarrow is one of the Witche's favorite herbs.