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by Fire_Opal

(Sorbus aucuparia)
Folk Names: Mountain Ash, Witchwood, Quickbane, Wild Ash, Witchen, Witchbane, Wicken Tree, Wiky, Wiggy, Roynetree, Whitty, Wiggin Ran Tree, Roden-Quicken-Royan, Sorb Apple, Roden-Quicken,
Delight of the Eye
Gender: Hot
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Associated Deity: Thor
Parts Used: Wood, Twigs
Basic Powers: Protection, Healing
Specific Uses: Tie two twigs of rowan together with red thread for a good all-purpose charm. Use the rowan branches in divining water, as is often done with hazel wood. It is an excellent protection against lightning. It is sometimes used to make magic wands. Carry the wood with you as a good luck "god" (amulet). A necklace of the berries is very healing.