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Empathy (Article)
by Zeus

Empathy manifests itself in many different ways depending on the preferences and talents of the individual utilizing the technique. Empathic response may be found in any of the five senses as well as simple subconscious neural response. Information an individual receives via empathic techniques may appear to them visually, by touch, taste, sound, or smell and also by responses their own body makes independent of the conscious mind. There are four main Pure Energy categories to empathy, but before understanding them one must define the technique that is empathy.
In many paths empathy is the transmission and reception of low level brain function from one individual to another; however in Pure Energy Psi this is not the case. According to definitions set out in the Pure Energy path empathy is the reception of information by and individual that is not gained via the five physical senses. The gathering of empathic information can happen in two ways: broadcast reception, or via a connection to another individual.
Broadcast empathy occurs at all times though most people are unaware of it happening. Since individuals continuously broadcast though patterns (ie. emotions, and surface thoughts) any other individual that interacts with a specific broadcast will pick up some information consciously, or unconsciously, from mingling of energies. On a subconscious and unconscious level this is how people are able to pinpoint moods, conversations, and other people needing them when there is no physical contact between them. Often a person will be labeled as intuitive when they are readily able to discern the moods and needs of others through broadcast empathy. Broadcast empathy may also occur on a conscious level where an individual focuses on the broadcasts of another individual and by doing so is able to discern what they are thinking and/or feeling at any given present tense interval. To differentiate between the two types of broadcast empathy they are given the names Intuitive Broadcast Empathy (IBE), and Focused Broadcast Empathy (FBE). In both cases a connection is never used and the individual performing the technique (IBE and PFBE) does not actively allow their energy to seek out and interact with another individual's energy. Both techniques already discussed are passive techniques and well within the confines of the Pure Energy path's rules for psi. A grey area in the rules of psi is occupied by the technique known as Active Focused Broadcast Empathy (AFBE). Whereas the previous Focused Broadcast Empathy technique was passive (Passive Focused Broadcast Empathy, or PFBE) and waited for broadcasts to reach an individual AFBE allows an individual's energy to seek out another individual's broadcast energy in order to understand it. Though this technique does not require the use of a connection it is more invasive and can lead to energy use misunderstandings with other psi-inclined individuals. This technique is not technically against the rules of psi, but its use should be curtailed unless there is legitimate need for the broadcast information. Of course, not all empathic techniques can be accomplished without a connection.
Connection Empathy differs the most from Broadcast Empathy for the simple reason that is requires a connection with another individual and therefore their consent before it is employed. Connected empathy, in Pure Energy Psi, is divided into categories depending on the amount of energy and displacement of the initiator's physical sense of self. During connected techniques care should always be taken to prevent, or reduce, the amount of mental and energy feedback that may occur along the connection. The technique initiator should ensure the proper placement of neutralizing screens to be certain that problems do not occur during connection. Upon successful completion of the connection the initiator may choose to what level they wish to take the session. The three categories of connection empathy are: surface, deep, and true.
Surface empathy is the lightest, or least invasive of the empathic levels as it gives the initiator informational access to only the surface thoughts and energies of the connected individual. While this level may appear similar to broadcast empathy it does offer more insight into bodily energies and greater thought clarity. During this level of empathy there is little, if any, noticeable displacement of the initiator's sense of physical self, so they may still mutli-task within their environment without interruption. Surface connections are most useful for transferring thoughts in a private manner and for quickly looking over a person's embodied energies for any problems. To gain more insight into another individual the initiator most put more energy into the technique and move its level.
Deep empathy is the middle ground when it comes to invasiveness of empathic techniques. With this level of connection the initiator is granted access to thoughts that do not reside on the surface. The connection's initiator may have understanding of thoughts and memories that the person connected to isn't presently thinking about. As soon as empathic connection reaches this level the connectee no longer has any mental secrets, save those that are specifically shielded against empathic understanding. The aforementioned reason is why it is imperative to seek permission before connection and the need to ensure the connectee understands what the initiator may have access to during the connection period. Deep empathy is often used to help convey understanding of situations and memories that the connectee finds mentally disjointed, because it gives another person access to put the puzzle pieces together. During healings deep empathy can be used in conjunction to follow the process and watch the mental, physical and energetic changes that are occurring. It is most likely that this level of empathy is the target of the majority of connection empathy, since it gives the most versatile access to another individual without extreme physical displacement to the initiator. While it is still possible to multi-task within the environment the initiator should take care as the connectee may cloud some moments and physical senses. Moving beyond deep empathy will take the session to a true empathy level.
True empathy is the most invasive and in-depth level of connected empathy. During a true empathy session the initiator's sense of physical self is displaced, or overlaid by the connectee's. While in a true empathic connection the initiator's sense and mentality are almost completely those of the individual connected to. The initiator is able to physically sense what the connectee is sensing and the initiator's personal energies will attempt to mimic those of the other individual. This level of empathy quite literally makes two become one. With unlearned initiators this technique may pose danger to their mental capacity and their energetic state, because of the physical self-displacement. The displacement causes a great deal of imbalance in the initiator, which can lead to physical complications and problems regaining self even after unhooking. Those individuals that wish to gain this level of empathy should only do so once they have an exceptional grasp of their self and are able to readily rebalance and recentre their own energies. With cautions said this level of empathy, with its near complete unmasking of another individual, may be used by itself to understand through, feelings, and energies, or it may be used in conjunction with other techniques to enhance healings, remote viewing, and energy work. Empathy is a multi-dimensional technique that stands out as one of the most commonly overlooked, but completely necessary techniques.
Almost every other advanced technique in psi borrows form, or works with empathic techniques and this makes empathy what is known as a gateway technique. Before an individual moves much beyond empathy they must understand the self, and clearly grasp several lower level psi technique components to be able to group them into more advanced techniques. Empathy is a wonderful technique that allows an individual better understanding of their self and others and by its very nature empathy breeds responsible psi.