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Remote Viewing (Article)
by Zeus

Remote viewing is the psychic ability that allows a person to perceive people, places and things beyond the scope of the five scientifically accepted senses. Within expected normalcy an individual’s ability to conceptualize reality is governed by the limited range of taste and touch as well as the further reaching but still limited senses of hearing, sight and smell. Even with ideal conditions the physical senses have distinctly finite limits that an individual cannot overcome in order to conceptualize things outside, or beyond those limits. With remote viewing a person may step beyond the proven physical limits of science in order to accurately perceive reality at distances or in situations where it should not be possible.

Many studies have been conducted regarding the ability of remote viewing through the years; however as with most psi studies all are in contest and left to interpretation with piles of proofs, or supposed proofs, on both sides of the argument. Perhaps the most notable of remote viewing studies published is the United States military operation that was code named “Stargate”. Claims by those running the program showed promising results, but skeptics and financial planners took the same promising results and were able to show that the published results were little more than chance at which time project stargate was publically discontinued. Research into the stargate project will reveal the large rift that exists between those that believe in the possibility of psi and those that do not. The stargate information has been picked over and apart so much that the original intent of the project, to spy on foreign countries, has been lost. The real question to ask of stargate would be whether the experiment was successful? The answer, unfortunately, depends solely on who is asked and how the numbers are skewed to show that the person asked is correct in the way they answer. The bottom line from stargate is that there might be plausibility to remote viewing, but it is far from proven. Then again scientifically no psi has been irrefutably proven, so again the individual must decide for himself or herself.

Another famous remote viewing report, the ganzfeld experiment, was followed by the autoganzfeld published experiment. The autoganzfeld is a set of experiments using automated means to test the ability of remote viewing. Subjects were tested for their ability to correctly identify randomized targets. Upon publication of their findings, which showed remote viewing possibility, other scientists immediately reworked the same report numbers to show that no remote viewing beyond chance had taken place. Yet again it seems that plausibility is left to the interpretation of numbers in the reported outcome. What does seem common in stargate, the ganzfeld experiments and most other studies of remote viewing is the manner, or techniques reportedly used during the remote viewing sessions.

Remote viewing can be separated into two distinct categories, each having a different means of accessing the end-point goal. The first and most commonly reported remote viewing technique may be referred to as anchored, indirect, or connected remote viewing. Indirect remote viewing requires an outside individual as the anchor from which the person doing the remote viewing draws their perception. In this type of session the anchor and the viewer require a connection, typically an empathic connection of the lower level is enough, in order that the viewer may understand some of what the anchor is sensing in the environment around them. Published studies of indirect remote viewing are most often shown as having the anchor go to a random location that the viewer does not know and has never physically been to. The viewer then draws and describes the surroundings of the anchoring person. The key to indirect remote viewing is the connection between the anchor and the viewer, which directly relates to how well the viewer may interpret the anchor’s own senses. With the obvious need for a connection it can be postulated that the better the connection and the truer the empathic technique the more accurate the viewer may be using the technique.

Connections are not absolutely necessary for all remote viewing though, which brings about the second category typing in the remote viewing techniques. Unconnected, or direct remote viewing allows an individual to perceive beyond their sense boundaries without the use of an anchoring individual. Where connected remote viewing uses a connection to guide the viewer to an anchor position the viewer in a direct remote viewing session must personally visualize the target location of their perception. Visualization of the person, place, or thing in direct remote viewing takes the place of a connection in connected remote viewing. Those on a psi path generally agree that direct remote viewing is the more difficult of the two categories of remote viewing, because it takes more energy and for the simple fact that there is no anchor to ensure the viewing of the proper area. With direct remote viewing the onus is on the viewer to correctly identify the viewing area in their visualization and then to make sure their energy accurately follows the intent. In viewing areas the viewer has never physically been to, or has no physical sense of, the viewer must use a key of some sort to narrow their viewing area. As an example if the viewer wanted to view St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada they may have to get some information about the city first. With a location known the psychic may be strong enough to accurately find and view the city, or they may need a little more concrete information to key in on. With the location in mind and a little knowledge that Jumbo the elephant, the largest elephant ever in captivity, was killed in St. Thomas in 1885 and that a large statue was erected of the elephant in the city in 1985 the psychic should now have a key to focus on. Visualizing a city in Ontario with a large elephant statue gives the psychic a key to focus their intent on. Some psychics require this type of key while others do not. The necessity for a concrete key all depends on the amount of practice and the accuracy of the psychic’s energetic intent. Direct remote viewing, as shown, may be accomplished in several different ways just as connected remote viewing may use differing levels of connection to view a target. What is common between the two categories is their ability to reveal people, places and things beyond the scope of the five physical senses.

The ability to perceive beyond the limits of the body’s senses does come with responsibility. In psi it is unacceptable to use connected remote viewing without the anchor’s understanding and permission, as the technique requires an empathic connection. It is also unacceptable to remotely view circumstances that otherwise are meant to be private. A lot of moral and ethical consideration must be put into action with any remote viewing session to ensure proper, healthful movement of energetic balance.

Overall remote viewing is a well-documented psychic ability that, when given consideration and practiced, will find a proper use with most psychics.